Comparison of maternal lineage and biogeographic analyses of ancient and modern Hungarian populations (2007)
2007.07.13 00:00Gyöngyvér Tömöry Bernadett Csányi Erika Bogácsi‐Szabó Tibor Kalmár Ágnes Czibula Aranka Csősz Katalin Priskin Balázs Mende Péter Langó C. Stephen Downes István Raskó
Hungarian population data of eight X-linked markers in four linkage groups (2007)
2007.06.22 00:00Andrea Zalán, AntóniaVölgyi, Werner Brabetz, Dorit Schleinitz, Horolma Pamjava
Migration rates and genetic structure of two Hungarian ethnic groups in Transylvania, Romania (2007)
2007.05.28 00:00Brandstätter A, Egyed B, Zimmermann B, Duftner N, Padar Z, Parson W.
Comparison of mtDNA haplogroups in Hungarians with four other European populations: A small incidence of descents with Asian origin (2007)
2007.05.22 00:00Nádasi Edit, Czakó Márta, Bene Judit, Kosztolányi Sz., Fazekas Sz., Dömösi P., Melegh B.
A study of thirty autosomal Single Nucleotide Polymorphism markers in Hungarian population (2007)
2007.02.15 00:00AndreaZalan, Horolma Pamjav, Szabolcs Kokeny, AntoniaVolgyi
Mitochondrial DNA of ancient Cumanians: culturally Asian steppe nomadic immigrants with substantially more western Eurasian mitochondrial DNA lineages (2005)
2005.10.01 00:00Bogácsi-Szabó E1, Kalmár T, Csányi B, Tömöry G, Czibula A, Priskin K, Horváth F, Downes CS, Raskó I.
MtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphisms inHungary: inferences from the palaeolithic, neolithicand Uralic influences on the modern Hungarian genepool (2000)
2000.06.15 00:00Ornella Semino, Giuseppe Passarino, Llu´ıs Quintana-Murci, Aiping Liu, Judit Béres, Andreas Czeizel and Silvana Santachiara-Benerecetti
Probable ancestors of Hungarian ethnic groups: an admixture analysis (2000)
2000.03.01 00:00Guglielmino CR, De Silvestri A, Beres J.
MtDNA polymorphism in the Hungarians: comparison to three other Finno-Ugric-speaking populations. (2000)
2000.02.01 00:00Lahermo P, Laitinen V, Sistonen P, Béres J, Karcagi V, Savontaus ML.
MtDNA polymorphism in the Hungarians: comparison to three other Finno-Ugric-speaking populations (2000)
2000.02.01 00:00Lahermo P, Laitinen V, Sistonen P, Béres J, Karcagi V, Savontaus ML